Photo dump

Today was my usual busy Monday, with many online classes to teach. So I thought I’d dump some photos I took over the last few days which I haven’t had a chance to share.

We’ll start with a jacaranda tree. November is the most beautiful month of the year in Sydney, with these large trees in vivid purple flowers all over the city.

November Jacaranda

Last Friday when I took Scully out for lunch, we walked home via a park, where I let her off the lead to run around. I took my eyes off her for one second to glance at my phone, and she was off to the swing set and the surrounding bark chip mulch that is there to provide a soft surface for kids. She loves rolling in this stuff, and it’s nigh on impossible to get out of her fur. It sticks like velcro and you have to tease every single piece out individually.

Scully in bark chips

It took me maybe an hour of tedious grooming afterwards to get her looking respectable again. Fortunately she had a professional groom and haircut the next day.

On Sunday after my 5k run I spotted this butterfly on the ground and it stayed still long enough for me to get a close photo.

Australian painted lady

It’s an Australian painted lady, which has the awesome species name of Vanessa kershawi.

Finally, a photo I took today, of four tawny frogmouths. The two adults on each end are protecting the young in the middle.

Frogmouth family

This family have taken up a spot on a tree branch in the park across the street. It’s in a creek gully, and I took the photo from a bridge above, thus the overhead perspective.

The only other thing to report today is that my wife and I got our latest COVID vaccinations, since it’s been a year since our last ones. We booked in at a local pharmacy for after my wife got home from work, and they did it quickly with no fuss.

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