A Kickstarter windfall?

This afternoon I got an email from an Australian distributor, saying they have my copy of a Kickstarter game that I backed, and will be shipping it to me soon. I kind of expected this, because this campaign sent updates saying that they had sent a crate of games to their Australian distributor to ship – this arrangement saves on international shipping and makes it more feasible to back something from Australia. Kickstarters that don’t do this are often something like back the project for $50, and then pay $80 extra for shipping it to Australia.

And then I got three more emails in quick succession saying the exact same thing about three other games… game that I never backed and didn’t even know about. Obviously it’s some sort of notification error, but I’m quietly hoping I get all four games!

The most exciting thing I did today was make a trip to the liquor store to restock our supplies of wine and a few other random things. I needed a new bottle of vodka, which I use to preserve fresh ginger so that it lasts as long as I need to use it up without it rotting. I took Scully and was browsing around the shop with her (since they allow dogs inside), and a few people came up and said how cute she was.

It was a warm day, 33°C. But we had a cool change come through in the mid-evening, with thunder and heavy rain, and tomorrow should be cooler.

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