Remus Lupin

So… [Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban spoiler incoming]

I realised that not only is Remus Lupin’s name ridiculously hinty at the fact that he’s a werewolf, it’s almost literally “Wolfy McWolf-face”.

  • Remus = raised by wolves = son of wolf = McWolf
  • Lupin = Latin for wolf-like = Wolfy

The only missing bit is the “face”. If only his middle name was “Vultus” instead of John, that would have been perfect.

Hmmm… “John” comes from ancient Hebrew, meaning “Yahweh has been gracious”. If we can very loosely interpret that as the “face” of God…

Either way, it seems to me if your surname is Lupin, naming your kid Remus is just asking for some sort of wolf-related trouble.


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