DM and MM's Tasmania Trip Diary

Day 12 - South-West National Park

Thursday, 6 April, 2000

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Slept in until nearly 7:00 today! Drove down to the nearest corner store to get some milk for cereal and had a leisurely brekky while our laundry washed in the motel machine. After hanging wet laundry all over the motel room we left for the Cadbury Chocolate Factory Tour.

At 9:00 our tour began - an hour or more wandering through the actual guts of the factory watching the chocolate get made and then get made into various products. Great stuff! The best bit was watching the bite-size Cherry Ripes being made and then the tour guide woman held out a bucket of them and said "Sometimes unfortunately some of them accidentally get joined together and we have to remove them..." and everyone on the tour went "oh no!" as they grabbed the rejects.

After the tour we got to shop in the staff discount chocolate shop - we bought $85 of cheap chocolate! We drove back to the motel to dump it there, then took off for the day's sightseeing. On the way back down the motel road we saw some geese crossing the road at a geese crossing road sign.

Goose crossing
Geese crossing!

We drove south to Hastings Caves and did a tour of Newdegate Cave - much bigger caverns than the King Solomon's Cave. Very impressive. We saw a cave cricket and some nice big cave spiders.

Cave straws
Cave straws at Newdegate Cave

Then we went to the nearby thermal pool - entry free with the cave tour. I had a good swim but Michelle didn't. Then had some lunch and drove back north - the thermal pool was the southernmost point of our entire holiday so far.

Driving back north we took a quick detour to Hartz Mountains National Park - but we were so late in the day we basically only went in past the park border, turned around and came back out! Not even a photo.

Further on we stopped as a woodcraft store about to close - but they let us in to look around. We bought a pair of salt and pepper thingies turned from Tasmanian sassafras wood - nice dark grey wood. Then we drove on through Huonville and into Hobart, stopping for a huge bag of seven apples and thirteen pears for just $2.00. It seems everybody and his dog around here grows apples and pears, and they leave huge bags of them unattended by the front gate, with an honesty box to put your money into if you want to grab a bag.

Sunset over the Huon River at Huonville

Stopped in the centre of town to find dinner - found a nice little pasta place and had pasta and I had gelato for dessert - very nice.

Then drove back to the motel and retired.

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