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LEGO® Movies

"Cut! Not bite!"
11 seconds.
Zipped mpeg file: (782 kb)
17 Oct, 2001
"Two thumbs severed"

In this, his latest - and indeed, only - opus, David Morgan-Mar has managed to capture in a few scant seconds the utter futility of man's daily endeavour to inflict his will on an uncaring and utterly apathetic world. The desire to create, to enact upon the canvas of the universe one's own insignificant signature, falls prey to a world that sucks into its vacuous maw all life and light. In the end, the void can be the only winner, no matter the stakes placed upon the outcome by its ephemeral inhabitants.
That, and a dinosaur eats a guy.
What a fabulous waste of his time and mine. Ain't it cute?

- Andy Vetromile.

"Amber Nebula"
3 seconds.
Zipped mpeg file: (210 kb)
25 Oct, 2001
A normal day on the bridge of the Free Trader Legacy.
"Deadly Encounter"
12 seconds.
Zipped mpeg file: (866 kb)
13 Dec, 2001
A slightly less normal day on the Free Trader Legacy.
"Croc Hunting"
26 seconds.
Zipped mpeg file: (1797 kb)
27 Jan, 2002
In his latest triumph of cinema verité, David Morgan-Mar explores the darkest corners of the human soul, the futility of existence and our insignificance in the face of an uncaring nature.
And Terri almost gets eaten by a croc.

- Glen Barnett.

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